Cannes Lions 2016 Young Lions Entry: Chevrolet Smart Siren Student WorkMorgan OwenApril 13, 2016cannes lions, young lions, chevrolet, student work, video
Drob: Laundry for the iPhone Generation Student WorkMorgan OwenSeptember 9, 2014digital, branding, student work
Rebranding the Breman Jewish Heritage Museum Student WorkMorgan OwenJune 9, 2014student work, branding
Ken Carbone Mentored & Fast Company Reviewed Non-Profit Super Bowl Ad AwardsMorgan OwenJanuary 31, 2014super bowl, fast company, ken carbone, fastco, pencils of promise, non-profit, student work
“Wasabi” (2001) DVD Cover, Insert and Disc Design Student WorkMorgan OwenMay 18, 2011DVD, movie, Design, student work